SOSparejas - corporate identity

Logotipo Sosparejas

SOSparejas is a platform that arises to solve couple arguments. A place where couples can consult the collective intelligence to find out who is right in their arguments.


Namig and corporate identity design. 


The main colour of the brand is red, the colour of love. By lowering the intensity we left a soft red, making it less stimulating and more comforting. An optimistic and daring colour. On the other hand, the white gives us a touch of contrast and balance.

The typeface chosen has been Gill Sans. With a jovial and carefree character, it gives the brand a friendly touch. 

SOSparejas is a simple and direct naming, easy to read. It alludes to communicate and help, with its own identity creating a brand personality. It constitutes a corporate identity with a high visual retentiveness. The logo is an O turned into a heart that represents the couple's problem. In its reduced version, it has optimum visibility, both in terms of colour and visual identification. It has been possible to create a brand that defines itself perfectly.