Chapter 2: The limits of the imagination.
Chapter 4: The puzzle of matter.
Chapter 5: The new currency.
Chapter 6: Nano cloning of organs.
Chapter 7: Ethics and nanotechnology.
CHAPTER 4: The puzzle of matter
After four months of intense work, Julio approached his expectant companions with a table with wheels in which there was another bucket covered by a cloth, similar to the one he showed a few months ago.
Susana made the official presentation to her classmates. -And thanks to "Todolohago" born Bichitos, the next generation of nano 3D printing, which operates in parallel through multiple nanorobots.
"Great, the question that intrigues me the most is," said Fernando. How long does it take to make an object, for example, 10 cm high?
"It depends on the volume and density," Susana answered. That is, the number of atoms, but let me show you something.
Susana lifted the "Bichitos" fabric and there was a cube similar to Todolohago.
Luis intervened. -I explain its operation. Well, now we do not have a robot arm with the atomic microscope, what we have is a cubic structure with sensors in each of the 8 vertices. These sensors are used to geolocalize the nanorobots, that is, to know where they are at each moment and where they should go. We created a 3-dimensional map of the interior of the Bichitos cube. Each nanorobot receives its own location; the location where the atoms should go to collect; the location where the transported atom must be joined; and to which adjacent atoms it must unite it by means of atomic bonds.
-Bitches works in a similar way to the human body when it is forming:
The embryo that creates Nature, in our case is an object that we want to manufacture.
Nature has the DNA that contains the information of the human being that you want to create; in our case the DNA is the software with the information of the object to be manufactured, which we have called a nanogram.
The stem cells forming the embryo know where they are (they have spatial orientation), they know where they need to go and in what kind of tissue they should become. In our case, it is the nanorobots that, taking the atoms of carbon raw material, know through the sensors of the edges where they are located, and through the nanogram at which point of this 3D matrix they should be located and to which adjacent atoms they must link.
-This object that you see in the center is an Eiffel Tower of 10 cms in height, which has been created in just one week.
-We have managed to match 3D printers, but the resistance of these objects is much higher since they are forged atom by atom. We have computer modeled this piece and we have built it by joining all its atoms, one by one, with an atomic or nanometric perfection.
Fernando intervened. -Well now you have to improve the speed of 3D printers, which could create a similar object in a few hours.
"You're right, Fernando," Julio answered. We are increasing the speed and we believe that we will also reach 3D printers in a short space of time in that aspect. But keep in mind that the perfect structure created in carbon has a much greater resistance than the objects created by conventional 3D printers.
Fernando intervened again. -Julio, and how do the nanorobots work ?, that is, what energy do they use to move and join the atoms?
"Good question," Julio answered. Well, since we can not put an electric power cable to each one, we have created a wireless power transmission device. This technology was invented by Nikola Tesla, the brilliant inventor of alternating current; although he had a sad end ruined and many of his inventions were lost, including his frustrated project of building a wireless transmission tower. This device is located at the base of Bichitos and transfers electrical energy to the nanorobots.
"You are cracks," replied Fernando. I know that mobile companies investigate that technology to charge the batteries, but they do not have it ready yet.
-Well, in our case we do not need much energy, since the nanorobots consume very little and are stuck to the base that transmits the energy. It has been a less complex application in principle, and some contacts from research centers have helped us.
Maria asked too. - Julio, the ideal would be that in the future the nanorobots could have energy to be operative outside the cube of Bichitos. Right now they only work inside the cube, right?
"You're right Maria," Julio answered. We have not focused on that application yet, but there are several ideas to do it. Either generate a wireless energy transmission device with a much greater scope, or incorporate the ability to obtain solar energy and a mini battery to store the nanorobots. This field is not yet defined and we have to investigate alternatives and pros and cons of each of them.
Atanasio intervened. -You are all geniuses. It is fascinating what you have achieved in such a short time. You have an unusual talent, in addition to ingenuity to identify the most effective solutions.
"From here on, let's see how to proceed," Athanasius went on. Creating an object with nanotechnology that was previously designed by computer and that also had only one type of atom would be the first step. The real challenge now is to create objects that involve many elements of the periodic table, and above all, scan a real object and reproduce it; like the apple, or a ham.
"Julio has already thought about that boss," added Susana.
"That's Atanasio." Julio joined in the conversation. We are perfecting the next generation of Bichitos, which will allow us to work with several elements of the periodic table, and little by little we will try to incorporate the 119 elements. Each element has a particular idiosyncrasy, since its links and stability are different. But we are working hard on it. On the other hand, the real challenge is to build the atom scanner, and we are also investigating it.
Maria intervened. -Explain what it is and why it is so important.
Julio continued. -I'll try to explain it in a simple way.
-Imagine that each object of the real world is a three-dimensional puzzle, in which the pieces that compose it are its atoms. To make this possible, we need to "scan three-dimensionally" a real object and turn it into information as a 3D puzzle, that is, identify each atom which piece of the puzzle it is (what element of the periodic table is), and with which adjacent pieces it is connects (with what other atoms of the periodic table it joins). Once we have this 3D photo of the object, which we will call a nanogram, we have passed it to information to build an identical one, in the same way that we make a puzzle. Bichitos takes the pieces (atoms or elements of the periodic table) and connects them with other pieces (other atoms of the periodic table), constructing the puzzle and thus replicating the original object.
-We try to create a system that through different technologies that we are testing, such as ultrasound, microwave, spectrum of light that bounces in matter, magnetic resonance, radiofrequency, radiography; identify each atom, which is the 119 elements of the periodic table. We have not achieved this yet, although we are making progress.
-When we know each atom of an object which is, we create a data structure in the form of a three-dimensional matrix, (like a 3D cube) in which each atom and the atoms it has around it is identified.
-What we do is translate the hardware or physical product to the software or product converted into information, what we have called nanogram, as the example that we comment on the music that is passed to mp3. In this way, when an object is passed to Software, what is done is to identify each and every one of its atoms which elements are of the 119 of the periodic table, its exact location and all the links between the adjacent atoms, ie , each atom is identified to which atoms it is connected around it.
"Well, it sounds very convincing," added Athanasius. How much time do you estimate that you will take to have it available?
-I think that in a few weeks the first prototype and in two months maybe the first stable version.
"Great," Maria added. You are some cracks. I am looking forward to see what you are capable of doing, and that it will be extraordinary in two months. I have the sensation of wanting to sleep fast and that the time passes to enjoy something that excites me a lot, like when I was little and I wanted to go fast the day before kings to see my new toys.
Athanasius concluded the meeting. -Fascinating and exciting. We all have a lot of work to do. María writes on the blog to inform our followers and patrons of this meeting, share it on social networks. I think it's going to give a lot to talk about and we need extra funding. This will increase donations via crowdfunding.
2 months passed ...
- Companeros, I think we have something to show the world today, right? -he started the Atanasio meeting in the laboratory.
Susana was excited and wanted to start now. -Yes! I've barely slept with emotion. It's like having a child that you want everyone to see.
Quick pulled a cloth that covered something.
There appeared a device similar to Bichitos, next to a small cube the size of a fist with an opening as if it were a cubic camera.
Luis took the floor. -Well, I present the first atom scanner. We have baptized him with Nautilus, in honor of my companion Julio and the visionary who, calling himself equal, glimpsed a future that was reality in many aspects.
-Let's see how it works. Luis picked up the device and asked Atanasio for the keys to his car. He put them inside the Bichitos cube and with the device he focused a green light on him. After a few seconds the device made a sound and a green light blinked. At that moment on the screen of a computer next to Bichitos, appeared the 3D image of the keys of Atanasio and a series of data:
Number of atoms that make up the object (the key), broken down by each type of atom: it was a 12-digit number, and there were 9 different types of atoms.
Necessary energy: 15 Watts.
Time: 3.05 hours.
- Chief in three hours you have a copy of your keys. How about?
-Hallucinatory. You have managed to scan objects and which bugs work with atoms of all kinds.
- That's right, and above all we have improved the speed. The nanorobots are getting faster and more efficient, we have them very motivated - I joke with a smile Julio.
- Can you scan and manufacture anything? Maria asked.
"If it's not alive, yes," Julio answered. We have done experiments with insects but they clone without life.
- Then we can already scan 5 Jotas bellota ham? Fernando asked hopefully.
-Bichitos currently allows objects of a size up to 25 cms. We are working on that it can dynamically modify its size, that is, rebuild and enlarge by its own nanorobots.
"You are magical," Maria replied. This was unimaginable a year ago and you are doing it.
"We are doing it," Atanasio added. You are all a fundamental part of this project.
Maria continued. -I'm very excited with the almost infinite potential of things that are going through my mind that we can do.
"Well," Atanasio added, "let's keep working and then check if the key opens the car.
The next day Fernando approached the team very excited. -Hey! guys, let's have breakfast together. Fernando brought some bread rolls, some tomatoes, olive oil and something wrapped in kitchen paper.
-Guys, yesterday before I left, and after seeing how the cloned key of Atanasio worked perfectly, I went to buy 300 g of Jabugo ham 5 Jotas in very thin sheets. I scanned it with Nautilus and programmed Bichitos all night to work. This morning, when I arrived, I found myself after 9 hours of execution, the replica of the slices and I want to share with you the first breakfast of 5J nanotechnological ham.
Fernando had put 6 plates on the table placing each bread bun on them, and proceeded to open the kitchen paper on which he kept the precious delicacy. They appeared some slices of brilliant ham with a very appetizing appearance.
Susan opening her eyes wide, she said. -Fernando you are a sun, I love to eat ham. I'll eat you with kisses, it looks spectacular. Oh what good breakfasts we are going to get with Bichitos. Pass me the file with the nanogram that I'm going to put on my boots every morning.
Maria asked. -What is the nanogram?
-Excuse Maria, answered Susana, we commented on it a few months ago. It is the name that we have given to the file that collects the software of an object that is scanned with Nautilus. That is, when we pass the hardware to Software. It's like the DNA in organic matter, or the .mp3 file in music; in our case it is a .ngr file that allows Bichitos to replicate the scanned object.
Fernando was preparing the succulent breakfast and when he had ready the six buns he said. -Compis, let's make history with the first nanotechnological breakfast.
Fernando first took a piece of ham and put it in his mouth. With his eyes closed he tasted it. It was cut very thin, and the interlaced fat of the good acorn ham made it melt easily in his mouth. "Ummmm, it's exquisite," said Fernando.
Immediately and with the mouth turned to water, the whole team started the breakfast while they shared the sensations with smiles and joy.
While they were having breakfast, Maria said. -I propose that each day someone bring some food and we will create our Database of culinary nanograms for our breakfasts and meals.
"Good idea," added Susana. I'll take care of it after buying Caviar. Tomorrow will be a breakfast of kings.
Luis intervened. -We have another disruptive idea that you will like.
"Tell us," said Maria enthusiastically.
-We are working on that Bichitos has the capacity to manufacture the components that make it up, so that it can self-replicate. That is, we are scanning Bichitos to from the nanogram of each of its components, that a user can assemble copies of Bichitos in his own home. This allows to scale the production of objects, since if it is necessary to produce in series for example mobiles, the number of 3D printers can be previously replicated, to maximize the series production of these.
-If the objective is to make this technology accessible to all, the ideal would be for a nanotechnology printer to replicate itself. And that users give it to their friends or neighbors, expanding exponentially or virally.
-And another concept that we are working on is that you can download your firmware or operating system from the Internet, and update yourself, becoming a gadget that improves with every innovation that occurs, and in turn that the implementation is instantaneous. In this way, the planned obsolescence of some technologies is suppressed, with obsolescence being effectively eradicated.
Maria asked. -Let me the concept of Firmware.
-Well, think about when you update the operating system of your mobile, to solve problems of this and incorporate new functions. Bichitos will do the same, it will update itself, incorporating new functions and improvements of the current ones.
-The users will be able to create anything through their own printer. According to Trascendental is making improvements in their research, users in real time can incorporate them. In this way both can manufacture larger objects, and more complex as we improve Bichitos.
Maria said. -Joder !, sorry for the expression boss. I will publish everything we are seeing today in the blog and social networks. The followers are going to flip. I finish my breakfast and I get on with it.
Atanasio intervened. - Mary, this concept will fascinate Trascendental fans. It is disruptive and will catalyze more if possible the advance of this technology, making it reach the market in real time to its discoveries. The conventional distribution channel of the products and the technical service are eliminated (they will be repaired alone). This is something unusual so far. The cost of the objects will be reduced to that of the energy to operate the machine and the cost of the raw material. Patents, R & D, innovation ... all these costs will disappear in this technology. When the solar panels can be manufactured using nanotechnology, a virtuous circle will be created through which it will be cheaper to manufacture with nanotechnology, reducing the cost practically to the value of the raw material elements of the chemical elements of the periodic table.
Fernando added. -Jefe, with your permission I will create a microsite on the transcendental website where users can upload their own creations with everything they want to scan and from there everyone can download them. There will be natural objects that users scan and turn into Software by uploading their nanogram, and objects that the users themselves will make, such as a new perfume, a craft object, a work of art such as a sculpture or a painting.
"I think it's a great idea, Fernando, go ahead," Atanasio answered. I think a good name for coining this new Ecommerce model would be NanoShop. Create it as a market place platform of the Amazon type, but with the business model of Spotify, in which artists or creators can upload their nanogram, leaving it free to users, or with the price they deem appropriate. So users will pay a small amount that as a whole will generate income for artists. Many artists and users will upload their works for free to be known or shared, others will charge an amount for the download. Let the market decide and regulate.
Maria asked. -How are Bichitos busy? Can I use it to clone my perfume? I'm running out and it costs a lot of money.
Luis replied. -I have to keep doing tests and improving what we have said, but I'm going to make a clone of Bichitos, so you can go testing it. It will come well and so you can go creating a database of nanograms of everything you are generating.
Boss, "asked Maria," what happens if I upload my Aire de Loewe perfume to the site? Will there be problems with copyrights or patents?
"Good question, Maria," Athanasius answered. We will have to consult our legal department, but I think we are facing a legal vacuum. As it happened in piracy, maybe uploading it is not illegal, because you bought it; what may be is that both you and another user believe it without buying it from the patent holder. However, this will change yes or yes, and will require a rethinking of legislation in this regard. In my opinion we tend to a model like Spotify in the music .mp3. Since there is a legal vacuum, you have my permission to upload it. We must drive the paradigm shift.
"And an interesting question, Julio," added Maria. Nautilus could in the future scan an object without it being inside Bichitos, that is, could it take me to Nautilus from stores and get the nanogram for example of all the perfumes that I like?
-Yes Maria; Luis and Fernando are working on it, "Julio answered. When we use Nautilus inside Bichitos, Nautilus already knows or has in its memory the 3D matrix of Bichitos, knows that it is a hollow cube, and all the atoms or pieces of puzzle that it detects on the surface of Bichitos knows that they are of the object to be scanned . If you scan a bottle of perfume on a counter, you have to tell Nautilus that the object is only the perfume, not the counter. Luis can explain the rest better.
Luis intervened. -Exactly, we are working on a 3D contour recognition algorithm, so that when making the "photo" of the perfume bottle, Nautilus detects the similar atoms in an outline and shows you the photo that you have made and a contour delimiting what He believes that it is the main object that you have framed in the center. We are incorporating in Nautilus a touch screen, like that of mobiles, to be able to see this image and interact with it. Actually this image is in three dimensions, and you can rotate it, enlarge it with zoom, and correct the outline until you have the object perfectly delimited by its correct contours. If the object is suspended in the air, for example by a thread or rope is very simple. Otherwise, it is recommended that it be on a smooth homogeneous surface.
"Fantastic Luis, I'm looking forward to taking me shopping in Nautilus," Maria answered. I'm going to expand my dressing room and boots and shoes. Women are going to adore you.
Three weeks later Susana arrived at the laboratory wearing a pendant with a precious diamond of a considerable size.
Maria when he saw her, he asked her. -Susana, is not that brilliant diamond really a courtesy of Bichitos? do not?.
-Yes -sayed Susana-, Julio and Fernando have improved Nautilus and already allows to scan the nanogram of an object without it being inside Bichitos. I went to a jewelry store yesterday and I made a special photo of it. This morning Bichitos had it ready for me.
-Wow, it's beautiful. Have you uploaded it to the nanogram database? I think we're not going to need the donations. We can mass-produce diamonds in hours.
- You leave me to Nautilus this afternoon ?.
-This Fernando has asked, but wait, we reply to Nautilus with Bichitos in a few hours and you take it too. What are you going to scan ?.
"What am I not going to scan?" Maria answered with a wink.
The next day Fernando was especially happy.
Susana noticed him and called him. -Fernando come.
-Day Susana.
-I see you very happy, let me observe you.
Fernando raised his sleeves and looking at his left wrist with a sly smile, sporting a spectacular watch.
Susana said. -Wow, it's cool. It's a Franck Muller, and I'd say white gold.
"Well, yes," said Fernando, "I always loved the Genove model; It weighs a little because the box is solid white gold. € 18,000 for only 30 W of energy and a trillion atoms. In total it has not reached € 2.
At that moment, Maria called the team. -Compissss, come. Athanasius, it's important.
The compis met with Maria in the glass cube-shaped meeting room.
-Houston, we have a problem. We have put on sale the first versions of bugs. Our cost is about € 15 for each Bichitos. Through the crowdfunding of our website, thousands of requests are arriving per day. The price is only € 500, but a 3D printer costs much more and Bichitos is light years away in technology and potential. We can not cope.
"Good Mary," Athanasius interjected. Take care to rent more space to expand our warehouse. Contact a logistics company that has capacity for distribution. Clone Bichitos in parallel to meet the demand. We have a lot of commercial margin and we must take advantage of it to scale our production and, on the one hand, obtain financing for our project, while accelerating the flooding of the market before the detractors that will soon emerge block our foundation or seal us. If we make the replication of Bichitos by the users unstoppable, the lobbies will have no way to stop this change.
- Each unit served by Bichitos can be replicated by users and will exponentially reach each interested person.
"Ufff gives me head dizziness," Maria answered with a snort.
-María I chose you because of your strength and transgressive character. I am sure that you are the right person for this purpose.
-Thanks Atanasio. Do not doubt that I will not rest until I get it. I'm going to work right now.
Fernando exclaimed excitedly. -Fuck! the one that is going to be armed. I'm excited.
Athanasius before finishing the meeting, fixed his gaze on a painting on the wall and asked. - Guys, is not that painting Van Gogh's Starry Night?
Yes, Athanasius. I took shopping in Nautilus and went through the museum. I always wanted to have a Van Gogh, "Maria answered with a mischievous smile.
"I think it's great," said Athanasius. It gives a creative touch to the cube. The museums may not think the same, but Vincent Van Gogh I think he would feel happy if everyone who wanted to, could enjoy their art in their environment, instead of only the privileged who can buy it or visit the museum on time.
The team had defined weekly meetings for Maria to inform them of the impact on the world of Bichitos and the rest of the team to share their progress.
They were in the glass cube a few weeks later.
Maria started the meeting. -Good morning, compis. We have to reflect on something that is staggering because of Transcendental. It's about art; He is suffering a hard blow. Any piece of art can now be scanned and an identical replica atom by atom constructed. In this way it is impossible to know which piece is the original and which is the copy. Art galleries dread Nautilus. Art experts are powerless, they can not detect an original. Museums and artists are opposed to this technology. They are coming out in press and television predicting the chaos and the destruction of art and artists. They accuse us of destroying culture.
-The museums have banned the use of Nautilus and atomic scanners. They use the scanners to detect them and make empty bags almost registering the users so that none enter their premises. But just as it happens in theaters with the piracy of the movies, once someone gets a scanner, the incentive is very high, and it goes up to our nanoshop. They also upload them to other Internet sites and download systems between users (P2P).
-We have to give an answer to the media and users on what approach we are going to give to this delicate issue. What do you think we should do?
Julio intervened the first one. -The art is to share it, not for a rich man to have it in his house. The mission of the museums is to spread the art, what better way to do it than to take it to the homes of the citizens? Obviously the business will be very affected, because the intermediaries that do not add value will disappear. Museums will have to reinvent themselves as has happened and will always happen. They will have to take the artists to the museum and bring more value, it is no longer worth having only the pictures for them to see. They have to sell experiences.
Susana commented. -I agree with you Julio, the galleries and museums have to reinvent themselves, but what about the artists? What motivation will they have to create their art if it has no economic value?
"Good question," said Athanasius. We have to think what our technology brings to society. If we destroy the generation of art, it will not be positive in this plot. We must think about how to contribute value to society always in global terms.
-I think that the artists will continue creating works -said Atanasio-, and they will sell them once. What happens is that they will be replicated. The fact that a work is not unique should not reduce value to whoever wants to buy it. For example, if a millionaire buys a Rembrandt, he knows he has the original in his house, the first of all, the one created by the artist's hand. Until today, that picture has always been reproduced almost to perfection by specialists. However, the owner assigns a value to the origin of that work and to the intangibles associated with it.
-Therefore, obviously this is a change, but I think for the better. In fact, artists are going to be much better known because their art will multiply exponentially. When an artist presents a new work, there will be much more demand because more people will value their art to be more widespread. A person will buy that original work and later, if he decides to allow Nautilus to copy it, he will also make an act of altruism by sharing it with the world and allowing other people to enjoy it as much as he does. It is a transcendental remuneration for him, a patron of art that makes it reach all corners of the world.
Fernando intervened. - You know Elon Musk?
Julio replied. -Yes, it is the creator of Paypal, Tesla Motor, SpaceX, SolarCity, Hiperloop ... A visionary like us that is changing the world. I love that boy, I'm a fan of his.
-Exactly -continued Fernando-. He is a crack in everything he does. But there's something that a lot of people love this guy for. He makes his patents public, he gives them to his competition. He wants to drive change and move the world forward, above his own profit. And this makes you have millions of followers and fans in your social networks and who love it. And all this means that their companies are devastating far above their competition. Space X exceeds in technology to NASA, its rockets have been the first to land and be reusable. Tesla Motors sold 300,000 cars in advance two years before having its Model 3 ready. Elon generates expectation, confidence and credibility in the market because it does things differently. It focuses on providing value to the world, not on generating it for their companies. And in the end, in your case the saying is that if you give 10 times more than what you expect to receive, you will receive 10 times more than what you gave.
Susana commented. -Well, Fernando, the question is how do we explain this? Maria is worried and we have the focus of attention placed on what comes out of this cube after the meeting.
"I do not think Van Gogh enjoyed having his work copied," Maria interposed, "since it would no longer be considered a work of art, but a copy. It lacks the human factor, the emotion and creativity that machines lack.
Athanasius continued. -The world must understand that the nano replicas will be exact, but replicas, and the emotional or romantic intangible value of the works of art will be in the original piece and in the fact of having paid for it making it possible for the artist to have created it and continue your works.
-Fernando and Julio, research on cryptography and cryptocurrencies like BitCoin. I propose that we create a certificate of ownership of the intellectual works, transferred from the author to the owner, or from one owner to another. This certificate will be digital, and will use a protocol similar to that of Bitcoin that prevents digital currencies from being copied, so that since it is not a physical certificate, it could not be replicated by nanotechnology.
- In this way we will give the art market the answer to the identification of each original work, which is what brings them crazy. The rest will be replicas better than the current ones, but not the original piece. Therefore, problem solved.
"I think it's a good solution," said Fernando. We get down to work.
-María make a press release explaining it. It will not be free of controversy, but I am sure that users will support us. We must always transmit a very clear criterion. Contribute value to society as a whole. That is our mission as a foundation.
After fifteen days, the team had meeting again in its glass cube.
Atanasio began. -María, update us about our surroundings.
-All right. Do you want the bad news or the good news first?
"Let's start the hard way," Athanasius answered.
Maria proceeded:
Several legal firms have contacted us with threats and issues relating to intellectual property and patents. Franck Muller says that an original watch of his is sold over the Internet with a serial number that is not unique and they are very angry. Fernandito, the one you've messed up. We have two more lawyers working in response to lawsuits.
Several brands of perfumes have put the cry in the sky. They threaten us with multimillion-dollar lawsuits and they say we're going to have thousands of people fired. I intoned the mea culpa, I visited several perfumeries and I made my own collection, which as a good solidary girl I shared in the nanoshop.
Imitation perfumes, replica watches and the like are disappearing from the market. A prestigious consultant has informed us about this.
Some car manufacturers are worried about whether our technology will have the capacity to replicate vehicles. They say that this sector generates a lot of employment and nearby businesses and that it will be a disaster for the economy if the cars become nano replicable.
Atanasio intervened. - Again as when the first harvesters were produced. The bread reduced its price to one tenth and that excess of money was applied to new products and needs that drove the market. A car is the second largest expense of families, by reducing its price, the surplus pocket rate will be used in other products or services. This is from the Microeconomics manual. The sector must adapt for the good of society.
Apple has also called us; his mobile terminal is replicating like churros, but his sales are down. Their Ipads and Macbooks are also flooding the market and on Ebay, which used to be sold for expensive ones, there are now many new ones at a much lower price.
"More of the same," Athanasius added.
They have also called us from the government. The Minister of Industry is very concerned and has requested an urgent meeting with you. The defense too, these have been very serious.
Although the press release was a revulsive supported mostly by users and a considerable number of artists. Museums and the art sector are still very concerned because it seems that there are several users who are selling original Van Gogh and Rembrandt paintings and other unique works of art. They enter the museums and start to scan everything they like. The nano replicate in their homes and if that were not enough they upload it to the nanoshop for other users to download. They remain committed to destroying museums, art galleries and artists.
Amazon and Ebay have called us. They say that it is happening of the Showrooming (habit of the users who see products in a physical commerce and do the purchase online in another place where they find better price) in the electronic commerce to the Showrooming for the nano replication. Their sales have begun to fall and they see their business model in jeopardy; in fact they predict the disappearance of electronic commerce as we know it today. They want to adapt to the change and upload the nanograms. They have requested us meetings with you.
"In this sense," Atanasio interjected, "the Internet was a technology that, through Showrooming, damaged some physical stores in favor of large market places such as Amazon, Ebay, or Google Shopping. The Nano Showrooming will also impact and hurt some players in the sector and will benefit others. Our NanoShop has the possibility of free downloads and downloads of a micro payment that the author himself establishes. In this way, they earn income. In addition there are users who make donations to the author. It happens as in the museums of some European cities where admission is free, but there is a large urn for donations; and some collect more so before with an entry price. It also happens in public bus and train transport in some European cities; there is no one charging, users pass their card through a cashier and civility makes the percentage of use is high.
-We are going to change society, but this can not remain stagnant. I am not worried about Amazon, they are innovators and they will know how to pivot their business model.
-The main thing is that intellectual property producers, innovators and the final public are benefiting greatly, and intermediaries who do not add value to the product or service will disappear for the benefit of the end user who will not pay a surplus value that no longer contributes value.
We have some death threats and some religious group says that we are going to cause the end of the world and we are demonized.
The national coin and bell factory has put the cry in the sky. It says that there is fake money everywhere and that it is not detectable. That we are going to devalue the currency, create an unprecedented inflation and cause an economic cataclysm. The minister of economy is also very worried.
Athanasius replied. -We will have to help them find a solution. This is important. We all signed up for a brainstorm.
The price of gold is falling unprecedented. The American Federal Reserve worries me. The US has a lot of power. These have been involved in wars for oil and factors that endanger their economy.
The stock markets are starting to suffer and there are companies going up, others going down and others disappearing in weeks.
I have hired security for our building and you Atanasio I have put two people to accompany you 24 hours. I will present them to you later, they are at the door of the building.
-Anyway. So bad there. Now the good ones, "Maria continued.
I have had to incorporate more people to the team and rent offices attached to ours. The warehouse for the production of Bichitos has 10,000 m and we are issuing 500 a day. Even so the demand grows exponentially. I continue to expand facilities and we have hired personnel who attend our nano factory.
In these weeks we have issued thousands of Bichitos and in turn users have begun to replicate them exponentially. Julio has included a tracking system or control in Bichitos and detects each time a replication of its core occurs. Thus, the Bichitos itself, whenever it reproduces the nucleus, detects it and sends an online signal that allows us to have a counter and a graph that shows the exponential increase in the number of "Bichitos". There are now more than 25,000 scattered around the world.
We have contacts from universities and scientists around the world eager to collaborate and request information. I have had to incorporate several people in telephone, email and social networks.
Social networks smoke. We have climbed the followers exponentially and they do not stop asking questions as much worried some, as exultantes the users that already have at home to Bichitos. Here the community managers of Prodigia are helping us.
Of press and Television we have requests that we can not attend. Everyone wants to talk to us and explain what we are doing and how it is going to impact the world. I am sending daily press releases to answer the most frequent questions.
They are also calling from the Ministry of Health to ask if they can use bugs to clone organs for transplants. This I think it should be a priority to attend to it, because we can save many lives.
Associations against hunger are asking us for equipment for the third world. These are sending them at no cost to them.
Jabugo is delighted by our post of the first nanotechnology breakfast, but also very concerned about how this will affect them. He says that his notoriety as a brand has increased worldwide, but that his sales are not, and do not know what will happen to his pigs. They understand that this has come to stay and they want to adapt, they consider that it will be a shock that will force them to stop raising pigs and acorns at the current scale. They propose to create an online store on their website with the nanograms of all their hams, but they want royalties or something similar.
The scientific community has called to propose you as a Nobel Prize.
Several prestigious economists want to meet with you. They say that we are going to unleash the 3rd industrial revolution and contribute to an unprecedented generation of wealth.
The ecologists love us. That they do not kill animals and that ecological food is affordable and accessible they love it.
They have contacted us from Alcor, an American foundation for the extension of life through cryogenization, they want to collaborate with us to investigate its purpose, since the brain death produced by the damage to the neurons due to lack of blood supply, believe that can be repaired via nanotechnology, making it possible to recover their patients in a state of cryopreservation.
Aubrey de Gray has also called us, the prestigious MIT researcher on longevity, he wants to meet with us and collaborate in the research. He looked excited.
"That's all for the moment," Maria finished with a sigh.
"Poor Maria," said Susana, "it is not stopping, stressed with so many calls and requests.
Julio added, gentlemen, this has only just begun and I am enjoying myself as I have not remembered for a long time. I love putting the world upside down and giving a smack those that slow down the evolution. Conservatives and anchilosados need encouragement-it ended with a wink, unusual in the expressive gestures of July.
"Well," said Atanasio, "let's prioritize. Think about the problem of money. We have to invent a different valuation system, a new currency. And also on how we can favor the cloning of organs. I think these two issues should focus our agenda in the coming weeks.
-Compañeros, do not tremble your pulse. I chose you because of your personality, as well as your knowledge and intelligence. You are proving to be up to the team that will change the world in the shortest period of time so far in history. Shuffle the ethics together with our leitmotif: "improve the world in a global sense". I trust you and I know that we will achieve everything we set out to do; you are already proving it.
The team was coming out charged with motivation from the glass cube. Maria left the last one and before Atanasio left she went to her leader. "Can I talk to you in the glass cube?"
"Sure Maria," Atanasio answered, "come with me."
Once they sat facing each other, Atanasio naturally told him. -Tell me.
-Atanasio, I am a direct woman and I do not beat around the bush. I would like to ask you a personal question, can I?
-You can do it Maria, of course, although I can not guarantee that she will give you the information you ask for.
-Ok, I'll risk it. There really are two.
-The first is about your sexual inclination. You are straight?
-Wow Maria, I'm surprised by your question. What motivation do you have to be interested in that very personal aspect?
-You are answering me with another question Atanasio.
-That's Maria. When I give personal information I want to know the use that is going to be given.
-Well, it seems coherent. That being the case, I'm throwing you the second question.
-Do you have a couple?
-Why are you interested in Maria?
Mary, somewhat exalted, answered. -Because I would like to know if there is a remote possibility, given your continual evasions, that one day I may have you under my control.
- What kind of control do you mean Maria?
-Anastanius you are a very intelligent man, I think you know what kind of control I mean. I sense that you are a difficult being to conquer, but I suppose you will have sexual life and needs as every man. I would like to meet you in your most animal and wild plot, out of the absolute control that you always show, yielding your control to me and letting yourself be led by experiences that I believe would both elevate us to another level.
-María, I thank you very much that you have me in such high esteem. You are an interesting woman for any man. But in my professional field to date I have not crossed the line of pleasure. Transcendental is very important to me, apart from my personal consideration of not complicating myself with aspects that may affect my professional environment.
-Atanasio the rules are to break them when an exception deserves it.
-I think like you Maria, but this rule has not yet been broken.
-I do not have any choice with you?
-No, María.
-And if I did not work on Transcendental, would I have it?
-María, no sexual experience with me would be so intense to deserve to leave this project.
-You do not know what your character Atanasio puts me. I would tie you to my bed, I would bind your eyes and stop time. I was going to make you suffer in a way you would love.
-It is a very tempting proposal that any man would accept without hesitation María. But I must make you see reason. I will continue to treat you as I have until now, and I expect from you the maturity and intelligence that I know you have so that this conversation does not affect our professional relationship.
"Good Athanasius, but at least answer me the first question I asked you.
-Maria, I do not want to give you the chance to create expectations.
-Uffff, you have me very tense Athanasius. I need to relieve this anguish. I have to go now. Thank you for listening to me and not affecting this conversation to my relationship with Transcendental.
-Thanks to you María, I admire your courage to expose you and to open up to you in this way.
Atanasio remained for a moment in the cube reflecting on what happened: "Of course she is a woman who is worth her weight in gold and I would like to discover her in the personal field." Her coquito promises intense sexual experiences and must be passionate in all senses".
Maria quickly left while looking in her purse, while at the same time crossing her mind the following thought: "tonight someone is going to feel my whip".
He picked up his cell phone by sending a message to a contact in his phone book. - In 30 minutes in my house, when you enter you will not talk until I give you permission. You will only obey my orders.
He received a quick reply. -Yes, my mistress.
-Gracias a ti María, admiro tu valentía al exponerte y sincerarte conmigo de este modo.
Atanasio se quedó unos instantes en el cubo reflexionando sobre lo sucedido: "desde luego es una mujer que vale su peso en oro y a la que me gustaría descubrir en el terreno personal. Su coquito promete unas experiencias sexuales intensas y debe ser pasional en todos los sentidos".
María salió rápidamente mientras buscaba en su bolso, a la vez que por su cabeza cruzaba el siguiente pensamiento: “esta noche alguien va a sentir mi látigo”.
Cogió su móvil enviando un mensaje a un contacto de su agenda. -En 30 minutos en mi casa, cuando entres no hablarás hasta que te dé permiso. Solo obedecerás mis órdenes.
Recibió una rápida contestación. -Sí, mi ama.
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