It may be easy to think that as a startup, it is difficult to compete with those large multinationals that have a market, but today more than ever we are closer to changing that paradigm.
Redes Sociales
Do you know how to increase and monetize your followers on Twitter? If this doubt has assaulted you on more than one occasion, read on.
Analyses show data from some accounts that appear to have false or suspicious followers. Who has the most influence? Are their followers real?
Analyses show data from some accounts that appear to have false or suspicious followers. Who has the most influence? Are their followers real?
In this real case of our client @Hogarterapia, whom we thank again for authorizing us to publish confidential data of their strategy, we will see what the more than 1,000 Twitter visitors (14,000 followers) do when they access the corporate blog of this brand.
The following article is a real case of one of our clients @Hogarterapia, whom we thank for authorizing us to scrutinize their statistics and illustrate the strategy of their brand on Twitter.
On Twitter we usually measure the entity, influence, or "success" of an account by its number of followers.
But is the size what counts? Or the quality?