What would you think if we told you that we have pets in our office? Surely you would look at us with a strange face, and you would ask us: but what do you dedicate to your office? "Prodigia is an Online Marketing Agency".
After the incorporation of Manolo, our best anti-stress psychologist (read here), we have two new additions. Covi & Carry.
On Monday morning, with the hangover of Valentine's Day and an apocalyptic wind whipping Malaga, a surprise in the form of sugar awaited us in the office: the boys of Prodigia had prepared a box filled with sweets, chocolates and a flower of jelly for each one of us. Some may think that after Valentine's Day, the issue could cause an overdose of sugar, but we, who like everything that is sweet and think that any occasion is good to eat, we loved the idea.